Our Story

The start of our journey began in the fall of 2009. On the way to meet Michelle at a coffee shop, I received a text from a friend that JetBlue Airlines announced a killer promotion called “All You Can Jet.” $599 for 45 days of unlimited flights anywhere JetBlue flies.

I sat down at the table and read the text out loud.  “Want to do it?”

She didn’t hesitate. “Hell ya!”

“Are you sure? That means taking over a month off of work. I have three houses under contract.”

“We’ll figure it out. We always do.”

“O.k.” I said, hitting the ‘purchase’ button.

The promotion sold out within the hour.


We often reminisce of the early days, sitting in countless airport lounges asking each other “Where to next?”

Blending travel and real estate into a manageable, successful and fulfilling lifestyle is an art. We spent countless sun soaked days on the beaches of Australia, Croatia, Dubai, Rio, Tonga, Mexico brainstorming how we could better juggle the two.  And what we realized is it takes whole lot of support to balance a successful real estate career and life/passions/travel/family.

So instead of trying to fit a ‘square peg in a round hole,’ we decided to create a company that could do just that.

Our vision started with one simple goal; live an adventurous and fulfilled life. What started as a solution to personal ‘travel woes’ turned into a thriving business and Urban Luxe was born.


Over the years we’ve grown and now have three offices – Denver, Breckenridge and Belize- but we’ve managed to keep a few key things in focus:

  • Create your own reality
  • Never compromise your worth. 
  • The people along for the ride are the most important.

We’re company of dreamers, doers, and adventurous souls. We’re passionate about our city and our clients. We are a diverse group of people with many perspectives, ideas, imaginations and desires. We live, work and play all over the city. Although Urban Luxe is comprised of many individuals, we call ourselves family.

Our Story - Luxe Real Estate Collective