RiNo Restaurants Urban Luxe Real Estate Denver CO

What is Happening in RiNo Now

Check out this section for lots of great RiNo things! We have curated for you a list of bars and restaurant, news articles, and up coming events. It’s our quick reference guide to get you out in the Neighborhood.

Eat Drink RiNoEat Drink RiNo
The is no shortage of fantastic eateries, craft cocktails, coffee shops and all around good eating in the RiNo Neighborhood. Click here to get your pallet stimulated.

RiNo in the NewsRiNo In the News
All eyes are on the RiNo neighborhood these days. We follow the news daily and compile the articles here for you. Click here to catch up on the latest RiNo press.

Featured RiNo Videos

About Us

Known for their insider knowledge of the RiNo area coupled with a straight-forward, transparent approach to the real estate process, Heidi and Diona have proven time and again that they can turn any client’s dream into a success story. 

In the world of real estate – which is cut throat at the best of times – experience couldn’t be more pertinent. Heidi and Diona have built up a fiercely loyal and ever-expanding network of local and international clients through sheer tenacity, collaboration and community-driven approach.

Work hard. Have fun. No drama.

Heidi Finn & Diona Gouker

Heidi Diona RiNo Team Photo

Contact Us

Heidi Finn  |  Broker Owner
Call Me: 720.300.0330  |  Read My Bio

Diona Gouker  |  Realtor®
Call Me: ‭720.220.8853‬  |  Read My Bio

    RiNoRe - Luxe Real Estate Collective